Jila-Save! Mon. The Imaginary Suite

George Lewis - Douglas Ewart
George Lewis - Douglas Ewart

"Shadowgraph and the duos with Ewart are characteristic of the free abstract jazz that emerged out of AACM's explorations in the '60s and early '70s..."

Artists :

Douglas Ewart ( Alto Sax, Bass Clarinet )
George Lewis ( Trombone )
George Lewis - Douglas Ewart

"Shadowgraph and the duos with Ewart are characteristic of the free abstract jazz that emerged out of AACM's explorations in the '60s and early '70s. Listening to them, one is aware how little this music has been assimilated into the mainstream of either jazz or improvisation."
(source: The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD)

(Original Vinyl LP also available)

More Information
Title Jila-Save! Mon. The Imaginary Suite
Catalogue Number 120026-2
Display Artist George Lewis - Douglas Ewart
Label Black Saint
Release date Dec 28, 1979
Year 1979
Format cd, digital
Duration 41:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album