
Flute Force Four
Flute Force Four

"...hear Flute Force Four. ...Newton, Eustache, Magdaluyo and Threadgill in Flute Force Four bring the latest word from the conference of the birds."

Artists :

Henry Threadgill ( Saxophone, Flute )
James Newton ( Alto, Bass Flute )
Pedro Eustache ( Alto, Bass, Piccolo Flute )
Melecio Magdaluyo ( Flute, Alto Flute )
Flute Force Four

"If you've ever delighted in a bird song, sighed with the breeze stirring the grass and trees, let your thoughts go like silky strands unspooling behind a high-flying kite-- hear Flute Force Four. ...Newton, Eustache, Magdaluyo and Threadgill in Flute Force Four bring the latest word from the conference of the birds."  (source: from the CD's liner notes by Howard Mandel)

More Information
Title Flutistry
Catalogue Number 120164-2
Display Artist Flute Force Four
Label Black Saint
Release date Dec 31, 1997
Year 1997
Format cd, digital
Duration 44:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album