Clevont Fitzhubert

Oliver Lake Quartet
Oliver Lake Quartet

"Altoist Oliver Lake (tripling on soprano and flute), trumpeter Baikida Carroll, pianist Donald Smith and drummer Pheeroan akLaff engage in fairly free group improvisations during this consistently stimulating set."

Artists :

Donald Smith ( Piano )
Baikida Carroll ( Trumpet, Flugelhorn )
Oliver Lake ( Alto, Soprano & Tenor Sax, Flute )
Pheeroan akLaff ( Drums, Percussion )
Oliver Lake Quartet

"Altoist Oliver Lake (tripling on soprano and flute), trumpeter Baikida Carroll, pianist Donald Smith and drummer Pheeroan akLaff engage in fairly free group improvisations during this consistently stimulating set. The themes set the moods of the pieces, and the group takes it from there, sometimes going in surprising directions. Worth several listens."  (source:, S. Yanow)

More Information
Title Clevont Fitzhubert
Catalogue Number 120054-2
Display Artist Oliver Lake Quartet
Label Black Saint
Release date Dec 28, 1981
Year 1981
Format cd, digital
Duration 38:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album