
Fabio Giachino
Fabio Giachino

In a new solo record for CAM JAZZ, Fabio Giachino extends the lyrical language he set out in his 2019 CD At The Edges Of The Horizon.

Artists :

Fabio Giachino ( Piano, Live Electronics )
Fabio Giachino

 The Piano Series

In a new solo record for CAM JAZZ, Fabio Giachino extends the lyrical language he set out in his 2019 CD At The Edges Of The Horizon. Working without a group this time, but again making use of studio techniques to deepen his sound, the pianist delivers nine new compositions that all seem to touch on states of consciousness and perception, a linked approach similar to that of his earlier record. Limitless again sees him exploring the idea of composition as a space that can be entered and explored without reference to outside realities. Giachino’s playing is profoundly involving and has the capacity to suspend time, even while it holds on to core values like swing, harmonic and melodic movement. Limitless moves him into the front rank of European improvising pianists. With the departure of Chick Corea and the effective retirement of Keith Jarrett, the piano literature needs new champions and Giachino is a leading contender. (Brian Morton)

Recorded in Cavalicco in April 2021 at Artesuono Recording Studio Recording engineer Stefano Amerio

Photos by Elisa Caldana

Liner notes by Brian Morton

More Information
Title Limitless
Catalogue Number CAMJ 7965-5
Display Artist Fabio Giachino
Label Cam Jazz
Release date Jul 23, 2021
Year 2021
Format cd, digital
Duration 42:47
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album