Homage To Bill Evans And Jim Hall
Luigi Tessarollo, Stefano Bollani
Luigi Tessarollo, Stefano Bollani
<p style="text-align: justify;">Stefano Bollani, one of the young stars of Italian jazz-piano, and Luigi Tessarollo, one of the most important guitarists of the Italian scene, take on the repertoire associated with the historic duets of Bill Evans and Jim Hall...</p>
Luigi Tessarollo, Stefano Bollani
Stefano Bollani, one of the young stars of Italian jazz-piano, and Luigi Tessarollo, one of the most important guitarists of the Italian scene, take on the repertoire associated with the historic duets of Bill Evans and Jim Hall... An exemplary conversation in music, in which the partnership between the two protagonists recalls the historic sessions of the two American masters..." (from the CD's liner notes by Maurizio Franco)
Title | Homage To Bill Evans And Jim Hall |
Catalogue Number | 128044-2 |
Display Artist | Luigi Tessarollo, Stefano Bollani |
Label | Dischi Della Quercia |
Release date | Dec 31, 2002 |
Year | 2002 |
Format | cd, digital |
Duration | 53:53 |
Main genre | Jazz |
Product type | full album |