Verona Rag

Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill

The whole album has the sound of a man who is enjoying his music and who is no longer troubled by the idea of experimentation."

Artists :

Andrew Hill ( Piano )
Andrew Hill

The Piano Series

"Of the available solo albums, by far the best... a gloriously joyous set full of romping vamps, gentle ballad interludes and Hill's characteristic harmonic ambiguities. The whole album has the sound of a man who is enjoying his music and who is no longer troubled by the idea of experimentation."   (source: The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD - Eighth Edition) 


More Information
Title Verona Rag
Catalogue Number 121110-2
Display Artist Andrew Hill
Label Soul Note
Release date Dec 31, 1987
Year 1987
Format cd, digital
Duration 48:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album