Down Home New York

Archie Shepp
Archie Shepp

Archie Shepp was the picture of rebellion and anger in the 1960s, but he became the voice of swing, blues and classicism in the 1980s.

Artists :

Bazzi Bartholomew Gray ( Vocal )
Charles McGhee ( Trumpet, Vocal )
Kenny Werner ( Piano, Synthesizer )
Marvin Smith ( Drums, Vocal )
Saheb Sarbib ( Bass )
Archie Shepp ( Tenor and Soprano Saxophone, vocal )
Archie Shepp

"Archie Shepp was the picture of rebellion and anger in the 1960s, but he became the voice of swing, blues and classicism in the 1980s. Shepp displayed his penchant for honking R&B and soulful blues on this 1984 date. The title piece was a jaunty stroll, as was the celebratory "Straight Street." Shepp turned to impressionistic fare with his version of Thelonious Monk's "Round Midnight." The group included a great drummer in Marvin Smith and also other competent players, although Saheb Sarbib sometimes did not offer as full and aggressive a backbeat as needed. But Shepp's swaggering, confident tone and style maintained the pace."  (source:, R. Wynn)

More Information
Title Down Home New York
Catalogue Number 121102-2
Display Artist Archie Shepp
Label Soul Note
Release date Dec 31, 1984
Year 1984
Format cd, digital
Duration 42:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album