"...This is a truly unique and moving ensemble, making any of their discs recommended".
“Tenor saxophonist Odean Pope's third post-bop Saxophone Choir outing was released on the Soul Note label in 1994. Epitome includes a saxophone section of three altos, five tenors, and one baritone, Eddie Green and Dave Burrell splitting piano duties with Tyrone Brown on bass, and Craig McIver on drums. This is not an avant-garde big-band assembly, even though there are moments ("Coltrane Time") that certainly fit that description. Eight of the ten tracks were written by various group members, with Pope's arrangements incorporating his early Baptist church choir vocal education with Mingus-/Ellington-inflected moods, especially apparent on "Terrestrial," which sounds like a quiet section from Black Saint and the Sinner Lady and "Lift Ev'ry Voice." This is a truly unique and moving ensemble, making any of their discs recommended". (source: AllMusic.com, A. Campbell)
Title | Epitome |
Catalogue Number | 121279-2 |
Display Artist | Odean Pope Saxophone Choir |
Label | Soul Note |
Release date | Dec 31, 1994 |
Year | 1994 |
Format | cd, digital |
Duration | 59:00 |
Main genre | Jazz |
Product type | full album |