The Healers

David Murray and Randy Weston
David Murray and Randy Weston

"This set of duets by David Murray (doubling on tenor and bass clarinet) and pianist Randy Weston is a bit of a surprise".

Artists :

Randy Weston ( Piano )
David Murray ( Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet )
David Murray and Randy Weston

"This set of duets by David Murray (doubling on tenor and bass clarinet) and pianist Randy Weston is a bit of a surprise. Rather than performing standards or some of Weston's "hits," the duo stretches out on three obscurities by the two musicians (only Weston's "Blue Moses" is slightly known) and Butch Morris' "Clever Beggar." Weston provides a solid harmonic and rhythmic foundation for Murray's thick-toned but sometimes screeching flights, and the combination works pretty well." (source:, S. Yanow)

More Information
Title The Healers
Catalogue Number 120118-2
Display Artist David Murray and Randy Weston
Label Black Saint
Release date Dec 28, 1987
Year 1987
Format cd, digital
Duration 44:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album