We Refuse To Be Used And Abused

Fred Houn And The Afro-Asian Music Ensemble
Fred Houn And The Afro-Asian Music Ensemble

Artists :

Fred Houn ( Baritone And Soprano Saxophone, Flute )
Hafez Modirzadeh ( Tenor Sax, Flute )
Jon Jang ( Piano )
Kiyoto Fujiwara ( Bass )
Royal Hartigan ( Percussion )
Sam Furnace ( Saxophones, Flute )
Fred Houn And The Afro-Asian Music Ensemble

There is an unwonted and mostly unwelcome stridence... Ho (Houn) still hadn't quite found a way of synthesizing political urgency with lyricism. The title piece: a long, elegantly communicated suite which Ho describes as 'anti-bourgeois boogie-woogie'.  (source: The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD - Eighth Edition)

(Original Vinyl LP also available)

See also Tomorrow Is Now, The Underground Railroad To My Heart.

More Information
Title We Refuse To Be Used And Abused
Catalogue Number 121167-2
Display Artist Fred Houn And The Afro-Asian Music Ensemble
Label Soul Note
Release date Dec 31, 1988
Year 1988
Format cd, digital
Duration 46:00
Main genre Jazz
Product type full album